Blog > From the Field, Mediterranean >

Final Preparations On Board ‘Life Support’


EMERGENCY’s Mediterranean search and rescue ship ‘Life Support’ is currently harboured in Genoa, Italy.
Ahead of its impending departure, EMERGENCY opened the vessel to visitors for two days.

“We felt it appropriate, even necessary, to share this important space, where rescued people with first be received. #LifeSupport is testament to the undeniable fact that those crossing the Med must be defended with action. And we’ll try.”

Rossella Miccio, president of EMERGENCY

With Life Support, we will provide rescue, care, and shelter in the middle of the Mediterranean.
Thanks to those who have come to Genoa in recent days to get to see our new project up close, and thanks to our crew who are working tirelessly so that Life Support will soon be operational.

After some final preparations, we will be ready to set sail.
To continue in the direction that we have chosen everywhere we operate, since 1994: that of human rights, equality, and solidarity.

Photo ©️ Davide Preti