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The smile of Mammoud

«Hospital in Goderich, Sierra Leone. I follow Enrico (our international orthopaedic surgeon) and Kambai (our Sierraleonese physician) in their visit to all our patients.

Mammoud immediately catches my attention; I have already seen him going around the hospital in these days, and I have been wondering what had happened to him.

Mammoud is here since last September. He was playing in his backyard when unfortunately he fell directly into the fire that was set up for cooking by his mother. Half of his face is now covered by bandages, but on the other half you can see him smiling. He lost one eye but our doctors were able to save the other one. He is curious, he feels at home in the hospital and he has already made a lot of friends.

Mammoud will stay with us some more time and I wish him a long and happy life, once out of here.»

– Laura, EMERGENCY staff

The project is co-founded by the European Union- EU Delegation in Sierra Leone