Resident Physicians
Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda
Required languages
Type of contract
Residency - 6 months
Necessary requirements
Enrolled at last two years of residency
Are you interested?
Read the full Job Description; if you are qualified, please apply online.
Every day, over 260 international health and technical expert specialists work with EMERGENCY in the field. Alongside them, a growing number of resident physicians are now joining the team to work for a period of 6 months in our hospitals: a highly formative human and professional experience.
In accordance with the legislation of each country, EMERGENCY offers periods of 6 months of residency in its hospitals to resident physicians undertaking their training in certain areas of Medicine, Surgery and Clinical Services. These opportunities, regulated by specific single or multi-annual agreements, are offered on voluntary base and require a period of training, clinical practice and research under the supervision of international expert specialists.
With the exception of charges for professional registration, which must be maintained during the mission, all expenses will be covered by EMERGENCY.
The opportunity to collaborate with specialist doctors is subject to the staffing needs of the individual Centres and may vary according to the planning of the resources and activities of the projects themselves.
Following the application, if it matches the requirements, the trainee will receive an in-depth Questionnaire to fill in, aimed at better understanding his/her motivations, experiences and aptitudes before the selection interview.
Once the Questionnaire has been evaluated, within a month, the candidate will be invited to an initial online interview with the HR Department and the Specialty Area Contact.
Once the selection process has been positively completed, you become part of the pool of suitable candidates who may be contacted with an official proposal to work on a specific project.
From the time of the interview to the actual mission proposal there may be a time lag of 2 weeks to 6 months, depending on the staff planning needs identified by the HR Department.
To enable effective integration as part of a working team, our projects are addressed to resident physicians in their last two years of residency.
Admitted residencies for opportunities overseas are:
- Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiology (Cardiovascular Disease)
- Hospital Pharmacy
- Paediatric Surgery
- General Surgery
- Orthopaedics and Traumatology
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology – female personnel only
- Paediatrics
Other specialities not mentioned in this list will not be able to access our projects at the moment.
The main criteria required for participating are:
- Enrolled at last two years of residency;
- clinical experience in hospital setting;
- knowledge of English (minimum level required: B1/B2 EU Evaluation’s Scale): certification is not required as knowledge of the English language will be tested at the interview stage);
- availability for minimum 6 months of residency;
- nulla osta certificate from the University or the managing Institution.
The objective of this training period is involvement in clinical, health care and research activities, in addition to the contribute given to the work of the team of expert specialists in areas affected by complex health crises.
Practical Clinical activity
Alongside the international specialist colleagues working in our project, the resident physician participates in the management of clinical activity. He/She will gradually assume clinical duties under the supervision of a mentor who will monitor the level of training and professional autonomy, facilitating the integration into a medical team which also includes local personnel in training.
The training activities are divided into three categories, depending on their level of complexity:
- DIRECTLY SUPERVISED ACTIVITY: activity in the presence of the mentor, who carries out the procedure, entrusting part or all of its execution to the resident;
- INDIRECTLY SUPERVISED ACTIVITY: the procedure is carried out by the resident, according to the instructions given by the mentor, who could not be physically present at the resident’s side;
- PROTECTED ACTIVITY: the resident carries out the procedure with autonomous decision-making powers, promptly calling the mentor in case of necessity, who will provide rapid consultation and/or intervention.
Research and Analysis
Under the supervision of a mentor and the Medical Coordinator of the project, you will record, collect, and analyse data and clinical results at the Centre of residency.
In agreement with EMERGENCY, it may be possible to develop research projects or theses on the basis of the experience and caseload.
The general requirements and conditions apply to all the international staff, except for the remuneration, which must be provided by the Institution of consignment.
EMERGENCY encourages the formation of agreements with University hospitals in order to build a lasting collaboration including residents, academic and expert colleagues in the specialties listed above.
For inquiries or clarifications on the positions offered to Resident Physicians (not for applications), please contact:
HR Office - International Staff
T (Milano, Italy) +39 02881881
To apply, please complete the on-line application form: applications sent to this e-mail account will not be considered.
Disclosure pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)
EMERGENCY ONG Onlus, with headquarters in Via Santa Croce 19, 20122 Milan (MI) – Italy, is Data Controller under EU Regulation 2016/679 (‘GDPR’). Personal data will be processed for the purposes of seeking, selecting and managing hired personnel only by authorised staff and possibly disclosed to third parties who may be appointed as Data Processors. Personal data will be stored for no longer than necessary for the aforementioned purposes without prejudice to any other rights under, obligations or protection means provided by Law. Data subjects can exercise their rights under Art. 15 et seq. of the GDPR mailing at
The Data Protection Officer appointed by the Controller is Mr. Nicola Tarantino, who can be mailed at
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