Attack in Kabul: 78 wounded taken to the EMERGENCY hospital
Kabul. An explosion near the government’s former Ministry of the Interior building caused more deaths in the Afghan capital just a few days after the attack at the Intercontinental Hotel.
78 wounded were to the EMERGENCY hospital so far, 12 already dead on arrival.
“It’s a massacre,” says Dejan Panic, EMERGENCY Programme Coordinator in Afghanistan.
The attack happened a few hundred meters from our hospital.
#Kabul. Over 70 wounded, 7 dead on arrival transferred at @emergency_ong hospital after the attack. “It’s a massacre”, said Dejan Panic, coordinator in@#Afghanistan.
— EMERGENCY (@emergency_ong) January 27, 2018
“We heard the explosion, very loud. Our staff are shaken, but everything is working at the hospital: the flow of patients is continuous. No one can stop now.
The situation in Kabul is worsening constantly. In 2017 alone, at the EMERGENCY hospital in Kabul 3,460 war wounded were hospitalised – the highest number ever recorded.
Since 1999, EMERGENCY has treated over 5.5 million people in Afghanistan in its three hospitals, the in the Maternity Centre in Panjshir and in the 43 First Aid Posts and Health Centres around the country.