Information Point for Socio-Medical Counselling in Brescia





Start of activities

Mediation and social-sanitary assistance for the foreign population of the city.

In Brescia, 19% of the population consists of foreign citizens with regular residence permits.

There are several organisations coordinated by the municipality in the area, both public and private, that offer assistance to those who have regular residency as well as those who do not.

Following discussions with local institutions and associations, as well as a needs assessment, we opened an Information Point to respond to the needs of cultural mediation and socio-medical guidance, assisting foreigners to access the Italian National Health System.

The Information Point was opened in agreement with ASST Brescia and thanks to the collaboration of the Municipality.

As of late September 2020, we are running a second Information Point. This new health post is at La Casa del Quartiere on Via Milano, a community centre for immigrants and the most vulnerable people in society.

We have begun working with the facility to provide socio-medical help and mediation in one of Brescia’s main industrial districts, and historically one of its largest working-class neighbourhoods, now somewhere lived in and passed through by many immigrants and vulnerable people.

“For EMERGENCY, working in Via Milano is a great opportunity to get closer to the most vulnerable people in society.”

Giulia Tomasoni, spokesman for EMERGENCY’s Information Point in Brescia

Based at the Information Point, cultural mediators and volunteers from the EMERGENCY volunteer group in Brescia provide information for how to access care and accompany foreign citizens and people in need to public facilities to help them overcome linguistic, cultural and logistical barriers in the health system.

All services provided at the Information Point are free of charge.

Contacts and directions

EMERGENCY information point in Brescia
Via Antiche Mura, 3
25121 Brescia

Tel: +39 342 1830402

Opening hours
Monday, 9am to 1pm | 2pm to 6pm
Tuesday, 9am to 1pm
Wednesday, 9am to 1pm | 2pm to 6pm
Thursday, 9am to 1pm | 2pm to 6pm
Friday, 9am to 1pm | 2pm to 6pm

EMERGENCY information point in Brescia
Via Milano 59, c/o La Casa del Quartiere
25126 Brescia
Tel: +39 342 1830402

Opening hours
Wednesday 9:10 am – 1 pm | 2 pm to 6 pm


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