Regional Programme

Sudan - Khartoum


Clinical visits


Screening Missions


Countries Involved

Fighting in Sudan: Impact on EMERGENCY’s Facilities Across the Country

On the morning of 15 April 2023, armed clashes between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) began in the streets of Sudan’s capital, Khartoum. Over the next days, fighting spread throughout the country.

Find out all the updates on EMERGENCY in Sudan >>

The Salam Center for Cardiac Surgery in Sudan is at the heart of the Paediatrics and Cardiac Surgery programme we are implementing in Africa and beyond.

The Centre is connected to a network of Pediatric Centres located in the area, where our international cardiologists perform screening missions (Mayo and Port Sudan in Sudan, Goderich in Sierra Leone). We identify the patients who need to be transferred to Sudan to have cardiac surgery and we guarantee the necessary follow-up care for patients who have already been operated on.

In countries where there are no EMERGENCY facilities, we carry out medical visits in cooperation with local authorities: one of the goals of the project is to foster the relationships between the countries involved through mutual collaboration with regards to healthcare, in a region marked by decades of conflicts. Also for this reason, the Cardiac Surgery Centre is called Salam, “Peace”.

Patients from 33 different countries have been operated on at the Salam Centre, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic Of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Jordan, Guinea, Iraq , Italy (* Italian Citizens Temporarily Resident in Sudan), Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Nigeria, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), as part of its Regional Humanitarian Aid Programme in Sudan and Eritrea (AID 11721), is funding the “EMERGENCY project to support the opening of a cardiac OPD at the Orotta Hospital in Eritrea” which is part of our Regional Cardiac Surgery Programme.

The Regional Programme is also supported with 8×1000 funds from the Italian Buddhist Institute Soka Gakkai


High-quality healthcare in Africa and beyond

The ANME network

The Regional Programme for Cardiac Surgery is part of the ANME project, created to stimulate the construction of free of charge centers of excellence in Africa.

The Salam Centre

The Salam Center for Cardiac Surgery in Khartoum, Sudan, is the only free of charge and specialized facility in its kind in a vast area, area inhabited by over 300 million people.

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With a donation to EMERGENCY you will help to cure those in need, with free, high-quality care.