Sierra Leone

Surgery and Paediatrics: we were there before the Ebola outbreak, we fought Ebola when the epidemics hit, we are still there to help those in need.


Patients treated


Start of activities

The civil war in Sierra Leone ended in 2001, destroying the already poor health infrastructure of the country. Thirteen years later, the largest Ebola epidemic recorded completely overwhelmed what was left of an already fragile healthcare system.

We started working in the Country in 2001 with a Surgical Cente designed for war victims, then extended to the care of orthopaedic patients and all surgical emergencies. Just a few months later, a Paediatric Centre was added to that hospital: we could not ignore the tremendous need for free care for children. When the Ebola epidemic arrived, in just a few months we opened two Ebola Treatment Centers, a First Aid Post and two research projects to study the virus.

Our projects in Sierra Leone

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