Over 13 million
people treated across 21 countries since 1994.
Treating a patient every minute. Since 1994.
EMERGENCY is an independent and neutral international organisation founded in 1994 to provide free, high-quality medical and surgical care to victims of war, landmines and poverty.
EMERGENCY promotes a culture of peace, solidarity and respect for human rights.
Our work is made possible by the contributions of thousands of supporters who choose to stand with us.
We believe that the right to care is a fundamental human right, so our approach to healthcare is based on:
Every human being has the right to treatment, regardless of their social background, economic situation, gender, ethnicity, language, religion or opinions. New and better treatments made possible by progress and advances in medical science must be available to all patients, on an equal basis and without discrimination.
High-quality healthcare systems must be based on every individual’s needs and follow new advances in medical science. They cannot be steered, organised or defined by those financially invested in the healthcare industry.
Governments must make the health and wellbeing of their citizens a priority. They must set aside the human and economic resources necessary for this end. The healthcare services that governments and humanitarian organisations provide must be free and available to all.
We offer free, high-quality medical and surgical care to victims of war, landmines and poverty.
The right to be treated is a fundamental and inalienable human right belonging to every individual, without discrimination.
We have actively promoted a culture of peace, solidarity and respect for human rights since day one.
We deal with war every day; we see its consequences, we treat its victims, we talk about its horrors. But our goal is to abolish it.
How we operate
All EMERGENCY facilities are designed, built and run by specialised personnel, who provide training for local staff. We strongly believe that healthcare should be a basic human right; therefore EMERGENCY:
- Offers completely free-of-charge medical and surgical care
- Guarantees treatment to anyone in need of assistance, with no discrimination on the basis of political, ideological or religious beliefs
- Provides high-quality assistance
- Trains local staff thoroughly, with the intent of handing over all facilities to the local health authorities as soon as self-sustainability can be achieved
Construction and maintenance work for our facilities constitutes 8% of our total expenses: our commitment to minimising our overheads allows us to allocate 86% of what we collect directly to our projects and to the promotion of a culture of peace. We invest the remaining 6% in fundraising.
Activity Report
Every year we publish a report on the progress of our humanitarian programmes, complete with extensive descriptions of each facility, patient care information, fundraising data, and how to participate in our activities.
The organisation
EMERGENCY is a recognised non-profit organisation.
We are recognised as an official partner of the United Nations Department of Public Information, and and as a special consultant for the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
Active projects
International staff
All of this is possible thanks to you
Your contribution will allow us to continue treating those in need. Join thousands of others in helping us provide free, quality healthcare.